Operating multiple units

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Operation of multiple Titan units connected to a single Windows host is not currently supported.  It is possible that this feature may be supported in a future version of the Prism Sound UAC2 Windows driver.


It is possible to operate multiple Titan units connected to a single Mac by 'aggregating' them.  This is done by creating an aggregate device in the Mac's Audio MIDI Setup dialogue box, and adding the Titan units to it.  In this case, multiple instances of the Control Panel app appear, one for each unit.  The unit to be controlled by each Control Panel app instance can be found by using the 'Identify' button in the Control Panel's Unit Settings section, which causes the LED in the 'Standby' button of that device to flash.  Where multiple devices have been aggregated, changing the sample rate of any one of them causes the others to follow; other settings remain independent.


In order to minimise phase differences between aggregated units, they should be synchronised using a common external physical clock source, such as Wordclock or DI, and selecting the common clock source in the 'Sync source' drop-list in the Unit Settings section of each Control Panel.  If one of the units is generating the sync source for the others, its 'Sync source' drop-list should be set to Local (or to whatever system sync source is desired).  Having done this, the 'Drift Correction' check-boxes in the Mac's aggregate device control dialogue should be unchecked for all units.