Scripts and Automation: Sweep with Delay Script
dScope Series III Automation script to enable a sweep to run with abnormally high latency in the EUT.Notes
This script controls the generation of a sweep for measuring a system with significant delay and is provided "as-is" without any warranty or claims of suitability. It is primarily provided as an example or starting point.
The script doesn't load a configuration, so you will need to set up the sweep you want to do manually, and the script will change it to a sensed sweep. It works by generating the tones for the sweep in the script. The duration of each tone is determined by two user parameters that are set in the user interface of the script. Basically you tell it how many cycles or how many ms each tone should last, and it will use whichever is the longer of the two at each frequency.
We are then expecting the dScope to sense the frequency that comes in to the analyzer and increment itself, keeping track of the sweep as it goes. We need to be able to vary the duration of the tones so that we can cope with the low frequencies taking longer to measure. The higher frequencies are limited by how fast the hardware (PC and dScope) can make the measurements.
You may sometimes get the "sweep timed out" marker on the trace (an "s") or a message generated by the script saying that there are points missing from the trace. If either of these happen, you may need to increase the number of cycles (if there are problems with low frequencies) or increase the duration of the tones (if there are problems with the higher frequencies).
To use the script, simply copy it to your scripts/automation folder and run it. After that you should get a user interface which is self explanatory. Because it's a script and is not compiled, you can look at how it is written and borrow bits from it or modify it in any way you like.
Any problems, contact, but please include the word "dScope" in the subject line to assist the email in getting through the spam filter.
Resource Type: Scripts and Automation
(File Download) Download Link (https:): Size: 5 KiB Date 2005-12-02 Relevant Products: