Loudspeaker Test Chamber Enquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in the latest Prism Sound Loudspeaker Test Chamber!

We’d like to put your mind at rest right now. If you have an audio test requirement, you’ve come to the right place. At Prism Sound, we have over 20 years experience in audio measurement and we provide the most comprehensive test & measurement capability at the industry’s most competitive prices. Simple as that.
Loudspeaker measurement has traditionally been difficult due to the requirement for a very large space to avoid room-related artefacts and the problem of very precise location of the device under test and measurement microphones. Variations of 6dB or more in responses measured at different times are not uncommon as a result.
In the age of digital precision and ever improving sound quality, better measurement and characterization of loudspeakers is a must.
The range of Loudspeaker Test Chambers designed by Hill Acoustics neatly and inexpensively solves these problems with a calibrated enclosure so that the equivalent free-field response can easily be calculated and by providing a precise jig for the speaker and microphone. So tell us more about your requirement and we’ll put together a solution proposal that’s unbeatable!
Contact Details
Unit 1A, Grovemere House,
Lancaster Way Business Park,
Ely, Cambridgeshire,
sales email: sales@prismsound.com
tech support email: tech.support@prismsound.com
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