Scripts and Automation: MP3 Player Multi-tone Test
This is a dScope Series III automation script and associated files for rapidly measuring MP3 players and similar playback only devices using a single multi-tone.The basic principle is that the player is connected to the analogue inputs of the dScope and a test signal played from the MP3 player. The test signal is a single multi-tone.
The script recognises the presence of the audio makes a total of 20 measurements in around 2 seconds, indicates pass/fail and saves the results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Installation consists of downloading the zip file, unzipping to an empty folder, and then running the installer script "install test files.vbs" which copies the files to the correct locations within the dScope folder structure. Fuller documentation is included in the zip file as a PDF document.
Resource Type: Scripts and Automation
(File Download) Download Link (https:): Size: 3.1 MiB Date 2012-01-24 Relevant Products:
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