The FINEMotor program is the unique simulation tool for prediction of SPL & T/S parameters including BL(x) and Xmax with complete winding data. FINEMotor is also the optimum simulation tool for designing the magnet system, voice coil and spider for woofers, domes, telephone-receivers, headphones etc.
Precise and Fast
When SEAS was designing a new product line and used FINEMotor for the first time, the result was right on target and saved them a lot of time. After this first attempt SEAS now works with FINEMotor for all new motor systems.
You don't need to know a lot about drivers to be able to use FINEMotor. This is a tool not only for engineers, but also for technicians.
Material database
With the latest version of FINEMotor you can add your own magnets and wires to the database, which already has a lot of standard Chinese materials to choose from.

FINEMotor2 main screen
Special Features
- Accurate Prediction of SPL, T/S parameters and winding data.
- Round and Edge Wound Copper, Aluminium and CCAW wires.
- BL(x): BL product plotted as a function of the Voice Coil position in the air-gap.
- -Xmax and +Xmax given at 82% BL.
- In/Out Offset of Voice Coil now active with both built-in Pole configurations and imported flux profiles
- Pole piece Configuration selection: Extended pole / undercut / combinations
- Shielded Ferrite Motors and Inside (Neo) Motors with top (Shielding)
- Calculated Ferrofluid Volume (uL), Saturation and Viscosity
- Fs is calculated from Cone Fo and Spider deflection/resonance/flexibility.
- Chinese Ferrites and Neodymium Magnetic Material
- Automatic magnetic compensation of air gap for multi-layer VCs.
The FINEMotor™ system is being continuously developed and enhanced. For the latest features and additions, please see the LOUDSOFT FINEMotor™ page on LOUDSOFT.com.
More resources
- Contact us to discuss this software
- Enquire using our quick enquiry form
- Download resources: - Manuals, Software, Literature etc.